Volume III  Page 168  §  The Conditions of Happiness

DISCOURSES by Meher Baba

The Conditions of Happiness

Part II

MOST of man’s suffering is self-created through his ungoverned desires and impossible demands. All this is unnecessary for self-fulfillment. If man becomes desireless and contented he will be free from his self-inflicted suffering. Contentment cuts out harassment of self-created problems His imagination will not be constantly harassed by feverish reaching out towards things that really do not matter, and he will be established in unassailable peace. When man is contented he does not require any solutions to problems, because the problems which confront worldly persons have disappeared. He has no problems, therefore he does not have to worry about their solution. For him the complexities of life do not exist, because his life becomes utterly simple in the state of desirelessness.
        Suffering of renunciation When a person understands desires as being merely the bondage of the spirit, he decides to give them up; but even when voluntary, this is often a painful process. The suffering that